Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Pass the lube

'Chained CPI'

I guess it doesn't really matter, Democrat or Republican, sooner or later, they're all going to screw you.  Obama and Boehner made a deal and now Social Security will probably see cuts in cost of living increases.  Did you know 10,000 people in America turn 65 every day?

Did you know Social Security was tax-free until 1983?  Yeah, we can thank Ronald Reagan for that no longer being true. Social Security is peanuts to fat cats. It was 1983, unemployment was in double-digits, the deficit was skyrocketing and somebody had to pay for the trickle-down scam he pulled two years earlier.  Pass the lube.

But I guess Obama is caving on Social Security.  A lot of people are pissed.  Do you know what the cost of living increase on Social Security was last year?  1.7%.  It was zero in 2010 and 2011. How much more can they cut?