Thursday, November 15, 2012

You promoted her to Secretary of State?
Sen. McNasty not only voted to confirm Condoleezza Rice's promotion to Secretary of State, but he actively campaigned for her. No one fucked up intelligence more than Condi Rice.

I heard McCain make the excuse that Rice was only guilty of believing intelligence that every nation on earth believed about Iraq's mythical 'WMD's. That's bullshit. Our own intelligence said the Bush administration lied. That's part of the historical record and denying it and lying about it now doesn't change that.

But Condi's lies on Iraq are not the issue. It was her disastrous failure to act on the intelligence that was handed to her in her first week as National Security Adviser and how her negligence could have costs us 3,000 lives on 9/11. And it was also her incriminating testimony before the 9/11 Commission where she  denied that the 8/6/01 Presidential Daily Briefing (PDB) said anything about al-Qaeda attacking in the United States.  She said the briefing didn't mention an attack here and then she was asked if she remembered the title of that PDB.  She replied, "I believe the title was Bin Laden Determined To Attack Inside the US."

You voted to promote Condi Rice to Secretary of State after those 'intelligence failures', but now you won't vote for Susan Rice? I think some old bastard is just nasty and bitter. Just like most of the Republican Party.