It's taken seven long years to figure out that Condoleezza Rice is an incompetent fool?
Is that right?
Let me remind you of this brillant exchange between Richard Ben-Veniste and Ms. Rice during her testimony before the 9/11 Commission.
BEN-VENISTE. Isn't it a fact, Dr. Rice, that the Aug. 6 [2001] P.D.B. warned against possible attacks in this country? And I ask you whether you recall the title of that P.D.B.You would have to be an incompetent fool yourself if you didn't already know Condoleezza Rice was.
RICE. You said did it not warn of attacks. It did not warn of attacks inside the United States. It was historical information based on old reporting. There was no new threat information. And it did not, in fact, warn of any coming attacks inside the United States.
BEN-VENISTE. I asked you what the title was.
RICE. I believe the title was Bin Laden Determined To Attack Inside the United States. Now, the P.D.B. -
BEN-VENISTE. Thank you.