Friday, November 09, 2007

How about an Article XI?

... For their "No Bill of Rights"

ARTICLE XI: You do not have the right to steal or plagiarize someone else's writings and ideas regardless of how much of a spineless, unethical, unprincipled and contemptible piece of human excrement you've already been proven to be.

So old 'cut and paste' HD -- the morally bankrupt, integrity-deficient, many times proven liar and simple-minded low-life idiot at Liar's Quorum is once again shown to be nothing but a plagiarizing thief who steals other people's work so he can somehow impress the fools who actually read that piece of shit blog of lies and misinformation he and his twin, 'fourputt', maintain.

Not a single source or reference, no link, no nothing that would indicate that it's not his work -- Not a single word mentioned that he merely 'cut and pasted' someone else's intellectual property.

I have said many times before to the six of you who read this blog; those who 'run' Liar's Quorum are not men of honor -- They are spineless, unprincipled and despicable phony hypocrites who pretend to be something they are not. This is not a rare occurrence on 'LQ' -- They do this all the time. And they've been exposed once again.

I'll report, you decide. Although, it's basically word for word -- a few words changed which is the classic m.o. of a plagiarist -- so there isn't much of a decision;

Liar's Quorum*

(If anyone is interested in seeing other examples of these two's plagiarism, let me know. I have a few other examples. Some of you may remember the hilarious 'John Leo' episode where HD plagiarizes an entire article of Leo's and '4Putt' tries to lie and cover for him)