President Obama Trounces Willard Romney 332-206
Where are the teabaggers' favorite toe-sucking perverts?
Dick Morris: “This is going to be a landslide.”
Karl Rove: “At least 279 electoral votes.”
Newt Gingrich: “A Romney landslide.”
Peggy Noonan: “There is no denying the Republicans...”
Larry Kudlow: “Yes, that’s right: 330 electoral votes.”
Fred Barnes: “Romney will be elected the 45th president...”Joe Scarborough owes Nate Silver $1,000 - Way to shut them up, Nate!
We'll take Ted's seat back!
How did that Lyin' Ryan pick workout with Cheeseheads?
Karl Rove should do stand up. Did Fox give Turdblossom a 'slow computer'?
"The defeat of the 1 percent"
That is sweet! See ya, asshole!
Yeah, that fatass sure did...
CNN's Piers Morgan hyped that President Obama has been "on fire" and channeled liberal blogger Nate Silver's confidence that he will be re-elected. Newt Gingrich swatted down that liberal spin,
Hey Pigboy, about all those polls that were over sampling Democrats? Fat, disgusting, pedophile punk!
Bring it on, Trump - bring it!
“He lost the popular vote by a lot and won the election. We should have a revolution in this country!”
The Patriots (Democrats) won the first revolution - beating the hell out of Republicans (the Tories) - and we will win the next one too, Trump. And, if you're dumb enough to try it, you'll be one of the very first casualities! And oh yeah, Obama kicked Romney's ass in both the popular vote and the electoral vote, mop-head.