Thursday, November 29, 2012

And if you believe that I have a fucking bridge to sell you

"Obamas to spend holidays in Hawaii at $4 million cost to taxpayers"

Do you remember when Little Tucker Carlson tried to embarrass Barack Obama back in September only to learn that the Obamas actually spent $200 million less in 'perks' than the Bushs? They're trying to do it again.

The $4 million? Eighty-three percent of that, $3.3 million, is the cost of Air Force One at $182,000 per hour. Now, if you're dumb enough to actually believe that it costs $182,000 an hour to fly a 747 then you have shit for brains.

And as for paying for the President and his family's security, I know he's a Black guy in our White House but get over it, it's not a new, novel way of how things work.

And also, since haters like Tucker Carlson and the pathetic teabaggers never said a word while the Bushs spent over 33% of their time in office and billions and billions of dollars vacationing, just shut up!