Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Obama's saved taxpayers $200 million compared to the Bush family!

'Taxpayers spent $1.4 billion on Obama family last year'

Wow, isn't that great?  Not only has Obama reduced Bush's deficit, got us out of his shameful Iraq Fiasco, killed most of those responsible for 9/11 after Bush ignored them for over seven years, got us back to positive job growth after eight miserable years of net job losses, but he has also saved us $200 million this year in White House costs. That's right, the costs to the taxpayers for the Gump Family in 2008 was, $1.6 billion.

Great job, Mr. President! Keep up the great work. You certainly deserve to be reelected not only for what you've done, but because if you think the Bush's were expensive, just imagine how much those spoiled fucking brats, Mitt and Ann Romney, would cost the American taxpayers! That is staggering to even think about.

UPDATE: So why did the Bush's cost so much more than the Obamas? Well, as the article from the Daily Caller (where they tried to embarrass the Obama's but has now comically backfired on them) points out, it costs $295,000 per night to stay at Camp David. The Bush's spent 487 nights at Camp David and that equals about $144 million right there. Then you have to add the 490 days they spent at their Crawford ranch, and as any fool can easily figure out, it has to cost a lot more to go from D.C. to Texas than to Maryland, so that had to be at least another half billion.

So the Daily Caller's article not only backfired on them by pointing how much the Obama's have saved taxpayers every year but it also pointed out once again how lazy -and expensive - the Bush's were. There were only 2,920 days in Bush's miserable eight years in office and as you can see they spent 977 of those days (33.4%) on vacation at just those two locations. That doesn't even count what other leisure trips they took.

Keep talking teabaggers. Especially you little Tucker.