Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Suddenly to the teabaggers, it's guns that kill people

I thought guns didn't kill people, that people killed people? Now the hypocritical teabagging wingnuts are whining about some Mexicans being killed "by the guns" from the 'Fast and Furious' program, although they could have just as easily been from the 'Operation Wide Receiver' program that the ATF ran under the previous administration.

The bottom line, the Inspector General found in his investigation that Eric Holder did NOT know about the gun running program before he said he did and he ended it immediately after he found out. And if Holder didn't know about it, certainly Barack Obama didn't know about it either. This program was run by a bunch of cowboy ATF agents in southern Texas and I would bet you any amount of money that those ATF agents are not a bunch of liberals. Quite the contrary, in fact.

But, could you fucking whiny-ass wingnuts try to show some consistency? You punks are an embarrassment.