Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Oh... okay - let's forget about it then...
What is the difference between 'Operation Wide Receiver' and 'Fast and Furious'?  Absolutely nothing, so I'm certain Darrell Issa -House Oversight Committee Chairman and a convicted criminal - will not be digging too deep into Fast and Furious because if he does, he and his Republican cohorts will have to investigate the Bush administration for the exact same thing.  Gander/Goose or Goose/Gander?  Bring it on!
WASHINGTON -- The federal government under the Bush administration ran an operation that allowed hundreds of guns to be transferred to suspected arms traffickers - the same tactic that congressional Republicans have criticized President Barack Obama's administration for using, two federal law enforcement officials said Tuesday.
You can bet that now the Republicans have found out their boy Gump was involved, this investigation will mysteriously come to a halt. After all, it looks pretty obvious that Holder was unknowingly just continuing a program that Bush and his Justice Department started.