Tuesday, September 18, 2012

You still have the other 53%
"My job is not to worry about those people."

Did you fools think he felt otherwise? And let's talk about that other '47%'. We have 30 53 61.6 million people receiving Social Security - and adding 300,000 a month - and the vast majority of those are old white people who won't be voting for Barack Obama. And let's also talk about the supposed 45 million people on food stamps. The vast majority of them are white people - most of which are racist white trash that would NEVER vote for Barack Obama and have never voted anything but Republican their entire lives.

So when you hear '47% don't pay federal income taxes' and that there are now '45 million people receiving food stamps', get that nasty-ass visual of fat black women out of your minds. The vast majority of them are poor white people so don't worry, they will be voting for the white Republican guy. They always do.