Saturday, September 29, 2012

I told you from day one he was a worthless Butthead!

"Ryan's Disastrous Effect On Romney's Candidacy"

From the day 'Stench' picked that sleazy little punk I told you, "It's good for America that Romney picked Ryan as his running mate. That choice should clearly remind the Independent voters of the Republicans who got us here."

All the wingnuts said, 'he'd rally the base' and that he was a, 'budget-cutter'. Well, their base would vote for Adolf Hitler over Barack Obama and he was a 'budget-cutter'? Based on what, his rubber-stamping the two wars that weren't paid for, the trillion dollar Medicare Part D and the Bush tax cuts that turned our $235 billion surplus into the Republican's $1.2 trillion deficit? Independents are not as stupid as teabaggers and they ain't falling for Lyin' Ryan and I told you that on day one.

Don't doubt me when I tell you something. And, for you teabaggers who read 'done that', just think how ignorant you'd be if you didn't. Yeah, you're welcome.