Thursday, August 30, 2012

Lipstick changes nothing

" After four years of getting the run-around, America needs a turnaround, and the man for the job is Governor Mitt Romney."

That from the guy who followed Condoleezza Rice, John 'Mr. Magoo' McCain and a four-minute tribute to the Bush's. McCain declared war on only six countries in his 20 minutes.

Paul Ryan voted for every single issue - the Bush tax cuts, the Iraq War, Medicare Part D - that bankrupted the budget and he begged for a stimulus plan when he thought no one would notice.

The Romney/Ryan campaign is not only rolling out these old, tired-ass, phony conservatives but there are over 30 advisers on their staff from the Bush administration.

They can't just put lipstick on these same old assholes and expect America to fall for it again, can they?