Thursday, August 30, 2012

Geez, I know that guy!

Ryan blames Obama for factory closing in 2008
TAMPA, Fla. -- In his prime-time speech at the Republican National Convention on Wednesday evening, vice presidential hopeful Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) illustrated economic failure under President Barack Obama with an anecdote about a factory that closed before Obama took office.
Seriously, we all know people like that. It's like those teabagging punks whining about the trillion dollar deficits they left us with.

You can't fix stupid. But, you sure can laugh at their fucking dumbasses though.
"That the last vehicle rolled off the line on a gloomy late December day punctuated by snow and biting wind under a sodden gray sky seemed appropriate." [Milwaukee Journal Sentinal, 12/24/08, via Nexis]
On Oct. 13, [2008] G.M. announced that its 90-year-old plant there, the company’s oldest factory in the United States, would build its last S.U.V. just before the Christmas holidays.”