Tuesday, January 17, 2012

No way Willard, you need to show a lot more than 2011
We're not all suckers, Flipper

“And I know that if I’m the nominee, people will want to see the most recent year, and see what happened in the most recent year and what things are up to date and so they’ll want to see the tax returns that come out in April.  So rather than sort of have multiple releases of tax returns, why, we’ll wait until the tax returns for the most recent year are completed, then release them.”
Romney seems to have that 'most recent year' talking point stuck in his throat. Too much coaching. He needs to show his taxes over the last five years. We're not all stupid wingnuts. He undoubtedly deferred income and puffed up his charitable contributions over the last year knowing he'd have to disclose his taxes.

Let's see the last five years, Willard.

Addendum: Don't bother watching Hannity to find your answer;
"Four years ago as a presidential candidate, Barack Obama released his tax returns for the years 2000 to 2006 in late March."
And oh yeah Flipper, we still want to see that birth certificate, too. The real one.