Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Which Justices should be recused?
"Scalia and Thomas dine with healthcare law challengers as court takes case"

"The day the Supreme Court gathered behind closed doors to consider the politically divisive question of whether it would hear a challenge to President Obama’s healthcare law, two of its justices, Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas, were feted at a dinner sponsored by the law firm that will argue the case before the high court."

They have the audacity to say Elena Kagan should recuse herself from the 'Obamacare' case when it comes before the Court because she was happy that it passed.  Are you fucking kidding?  What was she supposed to do, cry?

Not only should Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas not be allowed to rule on health care, they should be investigated and impeached.  Thomas has received over $700,000 in cash - and lied about it - for his favors and Scalia is almost as corrupt.  

Bottom line, there are Supreme Court Justices who need to be removed on any decisions on health care reform, and they are Scalia and Thomas.