Saturday, October 22, 2011

Some of us told you ignorant crybabies many years ago that would happen
“The withdrawal of American military protection from a state helpless to defend itself on its own effectively throws Iraq into the arms of Iran, however the Iraqis feel about the matter.” - Fred Kagan, one of the criminals who lied us into invading Iraq in the first place.

I practically fall off my chair laughing when I hear all these stupid and incompetent chickenhawk crybabies whine about leaving Iraq.  Even Mitt 'Rooster' Romney has the gall to chime in.  Hey Mitt, send one those chickenhawk, chickenshit sons of yours over there. Or, shut up!

These fools are actually concerned about Iran 'filling the vaccum' in Iraq.  Well, if these chickenshit wingnuts were not so fucking stupid they would have realized that would happen before they sat around for nine years like pathetic little cheerleaders rooting for it to happen.

Some of us who have been right from day one, have been telling you exactly that for years.

Get used to it dumbasses.  We're leaving that hell hole.  And if Iran takes over Iraq, it was all your fault for being too fucking dumb to know better.  If you don't like it, get your fat, chickenshit asses off your couch and do something about it.  That includes you Romney!

And oh yeah, by the way, I told you so, assholes!