Tuesday, October 04, 2011

The Administration's reply to Dickhead
"If specifically, he’s saying that an apology is called for because of measures that were taken that this president absolutely does not believe is the right way to go, he’s not going to apologize,” Carney said.

“We certainly don’t owe an apology for the fact that, under this administration’s policy, this president’s policy, the United States of America does not torture, does not engage in torture.

“It’s simply a flat-out position of this president that that’s unacceptable.”

“There is no reason to sacrifice our values when it comes to interrogation and torture. Because we don’t need to. We can win this battle without those kinds of measures.”
Let me recap what the President is actually saying;

Shut up loser - you have zero credibility in this fight.  I've done more in the real 'war on terror' over the last four months than you and Gump did in your seven plus years.  Ninety-five percent of the country knows that and we couldn't care less what the remaining 5% have to say.

Thank you, thank you very much.
Very well said, Mr. President.