That lying, revisionist drivel that Newt Gingrich and other teabagging wingnuts try to pass on as the truth doesn't work with us who know the undisputed, historical facts. Bill Clinton and Congressional Democrats are who gave us four consecutive budget surpluses and the best decade in our lifetimes. Republicans showed exactly what they're made of when Clinton left office and left us with Republicans in charge of both all three branches. That's the mess we are still dealing with now.
Clinton and the Democrats stopped the huge Reagan and the first Bush's deficits and did it without a single Republican vote. Not one. Republicans don't deserve any credit other than credit for what they and George W. Bush did to ruin what they inherited.
And, as for 'welfare reform'? Bill Clinton campaigned on "ending welfare as we know it", and that had nothing to do with Republicans in 1994 either. Nothing.
Don't be stupid. Don't be a teabagging fool. Bill Clinton does deserve the credit. He did it in spite of Republicans and clowns like Gingrich might fool you but he doesn't fool those of us who remember the truth.