Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Bill Clinton and Welfare Reform

"ONE OF THE loudest--and most bipartisan--rounds of applause during Bill Clinton's 1993 State of the Union address came when he reiterated his promise to "end welfare as we know it." During the campaign, Clinton repeatedly said that welfare benefits should be time-limited, and that, after two years of job training and education, welfare recipients who can work should be required to do so. "We have to end welfare as a way of life," he told Congress and the nation, "and make it a path to independence and dignity."

Did you notice the date on the SOTU address? That would be February 17, 1993, about 3 1/2 weeks into Bill Clinton's first term. Did you also notice the mention of "his promise...during the campaign" -of- "ending welfare as we know it"?

So why am I bringing up something that happened 14 years ago you ask? I saw that bitch Ann Coulter Tuesday night on Hannity and Colmes and she made some stupid ass comment about Clinton and welfare reform. Her and Geraldine Ferraro actually agreed that it was welfare reform and not Rudy Giuliani that cleaned up New York City, but the scarecrow-looking bitch made a backhanded quip that welfare reform was due to the Republican House. Ugly fucking adam-appled lying revisionist bitch!

Those who like to re-write history when it doesn't suit their argument might allude to the two times Bill Clinton swatted (vetoed) back welfare reforms bills in the face of House Republicans when they were far too draconian, but that's not a weakness-that's fucking balls and leadership.

People like Coulter, Limbaugh, Hannity, and pretty much the whole gang at Fox News and wingnut radio, don't care if you get the facts when they talk about history. They're well aware of the fact that most Americans, certainly the vast majority of their audiences, don't know the differences anyway.

As you can see from Clinton's first speech as President, as well as in his acceptance speech for the Democratic nomination, he ran on welfare reform. And he ran on it, and made promises to do it, in 1991 and 1992 with a Democratic Congress that had a huge majority. He didn't need any Republican persuasion on something he wanted in the first place.

Those are the facts about Bill Clinton when it comes to welfare reform. Regardless of if it drives Ann Coulter and her kind fucking crazy or not.