Friday, October 07, 2011

August's figures were revised to 57,000 new jobs from zero...

And July revised up from 85,000 to 127,000

Well, the haters and the those who want America to fail are not feeling too well this morning.  Adjusting August's job growth from zero to 57,000 means there has been 21 consecutive months of PRIVATE SECTOR job growth.  Compare that to the 780,000 jobs lost in George W. Bush's last month in office - over 2 million in his last three months - and you would have to be either real dumb or an America-hating teabagger to not realize that we ARE better off now than when Obama took office.

Sorry teabaggers.  Your shameful and pathetic rooting against America isn't working.  And Prick Perry will have to scrap that campaign ad.

What Obama started with and where we've come;
Read it and weep, teabaggers.  George W. Bush destroyed private sector jobs.  That 'lowest' point was Bush's last month in office and there has been improvement on his dismal record almost every single month since.  The haters can have their own lying, hateful opinions, but they don't get to make up their own facts.