Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Perry and Romney prove their ignorance
"I want to thank you, Mr President, for standing with Israel and supporting peace. I think this is a badge of honor and I want to thank you for wearing that badge of honor. We both agree that Palestinians and Israelis should sit down together and negotiate an agreement of mutual recognition and security," Netanyahu said."
Mitt Romney is just a flip-flopping whore who has spent 10 years and $100 million trying to get elected. Rick Perry is just a George W. Bush clone who knows absolutely nothing about foreign affairs and like Bush embarrasses himself nearly every time he opens his mouth.

Don't get me wrong, I couldn't care less what Netanyahu says - he's merely the leader of a welfare nation that's sucked on the United States' tit for far too long - but it does clearly point out just how lame the leading two Republicans running for President in this country are.