Wednesday, September 14, 2011

He should be embarrassed
"I think like a lot of people I was embarrassed when they lowered our credit rating from AAA to AA. I literally felt embarrassed for my country. But I also think that the fact that we've gotten to this point where we are faced with a crisis in terms of the debt problem, that that's going to give those of us who want to address that issue and fix it the leverage that we haven't had up until now..."
Let's see, Cheney took office in 2001 and his predecessor left him with a $136 billion budget surplus and a $5.6 trillion debt.  Did he actually say they didn't have 'leaverage'?   He and his side kick had six years with an all Republican Congress and what did they do?   They left office and left America with a $1.2 trillion deficit and an almost $12 trillion national debt.

Was Cheney 'embarrassed' when he and Bush bankrupted our country?  No, in fact, he said, 'Reagan proved deficits don't matter', while his administration proved that they most certainly do.  Especially, when you start out with such huge surpluses.

Cheney is a pathological liar and a psychopath.  If he wasn't, he'd be embarrassed.