Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Raising the Debt Ceiling

I thought, "Reagan proved deficits don't matter"? That's what Dick Cheney told us. What Cheney really meant was they only matter when Democrats have them.

Congress is raising the debt ceiling once again and all of sudden the phony-conservatives on the right are all up in arms. George W. Bush raised the debt ceiling seven times in his miserable eight years and the phony punkass wingnut sheep said absolutely nothing!

When Bush took office in 2001 our national debt was at $5.6 trillion and the CBO was projecting a $710 billion SURPLUS by 2009, which was Bush's last budget. And as you well know, Bush's share of the FY09 $1.4 trillion deficit was $1.2 trillion.

George W. Bush left us with a $12 trillion debt after taking over with it at $5.6 trillion and nothing but HUGE SURPLUSES in sight. And the sheep said nothing.

If you didn't have the guts or the integrity to speak up when the damage was being done, shut the fuck up!