Monday, July 11, 2011

When your Congressman is a sheep
"[Mike] Rogers, R-Brighton, spoke to the Daily Press & Argus last week in the wake of President Barack Obama's recent announcement that he plans to withdraw 33,000 of the 100,000 U.S. troops in Afghanistan by September 2012.

"I just think that's irresponsible, and we're close," Rogers said."
I live in a county in Michigan that is probably 65%-70% phony conservatives, i.e, Republicans. They're mostly punks - almost all Chickenhawks who never had the guts or the patriotism to serve but they sure like to wave their pom-poms and cheerlead for others to die for them.

My Congressman, Mike Rogers, says that it is 'irresponsible' for Barack Obama to pull out 33,000 of our 100,000 troops from Afghanistan but he never had the integrity to say anything - not a word for over seven years - about the fact that George W. Bush never even had 33,000 troops at anytime in Afghanistan.  In fact, for nearly the entire seven plus years Bush didn't have even half that many.

My Congressman is a partisan punk who has zero credibility.  But Republicans always vote for those who are like themselves and he keeps getting reelected.  What a surprise.