Friday, July 01, 2011

The Welfare Queen's Silly Savage
I was not going to be the first person to bring this up but Michele Bachmann's husband, Marcus, is gay. I knew that after the very first sentence I heard him speak.

I was not going to bring it up first but Stephanie Miller - a lesbian - said the very same thing on her radio show this morning that I knew the moment he opened his mouth; the Welfare Queen is married to a literal 'teabagging', hypocritical, gay-hating homo-phobe.  How fricking hilarious is that??!!!??

We're going to have a lot of fun this summer.   This is going to make Mark Foley and Ted Haggard look like choir boys.  Mark my words, write it down.  The Welfare Queen won't be around very long after this one.

But then again, knowing the Teabaggers, they might like him as First Lady.