Friday, July 01, 2011

Dude it was only a four days ago

"Mitt Romney on Thursday backtracked on a central theme of his presidential campaign: that President Obama has made a struggling U.S. economy even worse.
..."I didn't say that things are worse."

...On Monday in New Hampshire, Romney said "the president's failed. He did not cause this recession, but he made it worse."
Romney is no fool.  He is the most wishy-washy, flip-flopping politician I have ever seen but he's smart enough to know that independent voters are not like the teabagging sheep who don't care about the facts. 

The economy lost 1.8 million jobs in Bush's last three months in office.   The Dow Jones was 7,949 his last day in office.  The 'private sector has added 2.1 million private sector jobs' over the last 15 months.  The Dow is up 58%, closing today at, 12,583.

Only teabaggers, Fox News viewers and dittoheads (mostly all the same) are ignorant enough to believe the economy is worse under Obama and Romney knows that. He's stuck between trying to appease the haters on the right with the lying rhetoric and sticking to the facts to attract independents. He's screwed either way.