Thursday, June 16, 2011

That's had me stumped for awhile
"Some presidential candidates are shifting from the hawkish consensus on national security that has dominated Republican foreign policy for a decade."
Three years ago they called it, 'cutting and running'. Even after the sheople realized they were punked on Iraq they didn't want to leave. They didn't care that we ignored Afghanistan and the terrorists that actually attacked us on 9/11 just as long as we didn't pull out of our $2 trillion mess in Mesopotamia.  But when Obama took office they then demanded he more than triple our troops in Afghanistan.  They whined about it for months.

But now all of a sudden wingnuts and teabaggers have become doves.  We're 'wasting too much money' -'we're fighting a war we cannot win'.  We need to leave, whah, whah, whah.

What changed wingnuts?  Teabaggers know.  That's why they're teabaggers.  From hawks to doves and no other explanation but the obvious.