Friday, June 10, 2011

But, wait a minute....
I thought Obama banned drilling in the Gulf?

ExxonMobil hits large Keathley Canyon discovery (Oil and Gas Journal, June 8, 2011). XOM announces the discovery of 700 million barrels equivalent (BOE) of oil and gas in 7,000 feet of water, 250 miles offshore Louisiana.

Shell’s Cardamom to come online (, June 9, 2011). Shell will bring on 50,000 barrels equivalent per day from its 140 million BOE discovery in 2,700 feet of water offshore Louisiana.

A Gulf Drilling Revival (Wall Street Journal, June 10, 2011; link may require subscription, which can be avoided if you search for article text on Google.)

I love it when the simple-minded wingnuts prove themselves to be idiots and liars.  This is too easy.