Friday, May 06, 2011

Because they're teabagging morons
Scott Brown, R-MA., Kelly Ayotte, R-NH., and Saxby Chambliss, R-GA
 Questions Abound Over How Fake Bin Laden Photos Duped Lawmakers

It's been pretty evident that Scott Brown isn't the brightest bulb and Kelly Ayotte is a Palin protege - which says all that needs to be - but Ol' Hillbilly Redneck, Saxby Chambliss...what sweet, poetic justice.

You may have forgotten that it was Chambliss who juxtaposed a picture of Osama bin Laden in a campaign commercial to his triple-amputee, Silver-Star and Bronze Star recipient, Vietnam War hero, (I know that doesn't mean much to a Republican)  2002 Senate opponent, Max Cleland.

It's nice to see that another picture of bin Laden has made that asshole look like the low-life fool he is.