Wednesday, November 03, 2010

That didn't take long
"I don't have any subpoenas to the White House.  I have several hundred letters, most of which have not been responded to that I'll ask the White House to dust off and answer our questions. Some of them are obsolete but most of them are still important."
Darrell Issa and the Party of No, the Party of Know-nothing have 'several hundred letters' that they want answers to?   My one hope is that Obama fights back, doesn't give in and tells these maggots to go fuck themselves!

They want answers on the 'Black Panthers' and on whether Joe Sestak was offered a job?   Ignore the assholes.  The vast majority of Americans couldn't care less and those that do aren't relevant.  And Republicans don't have enough power to do anything about it if he did.  

Yeah, elections have consequences;  Obama won by 10 million votes.  Maybe he will start using that power.