Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Pigboy still has his head up Bush's ass
 Also, both men agreed that the financial crisis was a result of "the Democrat Party" and its policies toward Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac...

Sure Pigboy, tell us all about how Gump was against Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.

No wonder he's such a psychopath!
Bush: My mom let me talk about seeing her fetus in a jar

Wow.  Fatass Babs comes home from the hospital after a miscarriage and hands the fetus in a Mason jar to little, teenaged George. That explains a lot.

The Quitter embarrasses herself again
'Lashes Out At WSJ Reporter, Misquotes Story'

She's the idiot that just keeps on giving.  The half-Governor, Twitter Quitter giving advice on monetary policy to her clueless followers is hilarious! 

Lying little weasel flip-flops already
Rand Paul, the next Republican US senator from Kentucky, has done an about-face on earmarks even before taking office.

In an interview published over the weekend with the Wall Street Journal, Paul signaled a major backtrack on a core campaign promise: cutting federal earmarks

Stupid Oklahomans ban the Ten Commandments
Residents in Oklahoma thought they were voting to ban Sharia law last Tuesday but it turns out that the new constitutional amendment may also extend to the Ten Commandments.

The Oklahoma ballot measure orders judges not to consider Islamic or international law when deciding cases.
Last time I checked Abraham and Moses weren't Americans so that makes them, 'international'.   There are some good things that come out the stupidity of wingnuts and teabaggers.  Like a good laugh.