Sunday, November 07, 2010

Who put that punk in charge?
Sees 'confrontation' with China, war with Iran
Republican Senator Lindsey Graham said his fellow conservatives, fresh from their historic elections romp this week, support "bold" action to deal with Iran. ..."The last thing America wants is another military conflict, but the last thing the world needs is a nuclear-armed Iran... Containment is off the table."
Did I miss an election? Who put that finger in the wind, inconsequential little hillbilly punk in charge?

I thought Obama was such a wussy?

U.S. drones operating in Yemen
In a rare public admission, Yemen's Foreign Minister told CNN that U.S. drones are aiding his country in its campaign against al Qaeda.
It sure does seem that Obama kicks an awful lot of al-Qaeda ass for being such a Muslim-loving wimp.

Rejecting trickle-down
....and cluing in the clueless

"Two years after the crisis on Wall Street, it has been announced that bonuses this year will be $144 billion — the highest in history. That’s who’s gonna get this tax cut on the top, you know, 2 percent of the population. They don’t need a tax cut. They don’t deserve it. And therefore, what we have to do is focus on Main Street." - Ronald Reagan's Budget Director

To hell with trick-down, vodoo-economics.  If tax cuts created jobs, unemployment would be 1%.  Even David Stockman admits that now.   As Americans, in 2009 we were taxed at the lowest tax rate since Harry Truman for godssake!

Tells you a lot about teabaggers doesn't it?   They just happened to pick the year that we're taxed the least in 60 years to launch a group whose motto is, 'taxed enough already'?   Nice timing, dumbfucks...

How smart Michiganders vote

I read something I like I like to pass it on. From the 'Letters' section in my morning Detroit Free Press;
So much for working together
Isn't this just great, one day after the election, Sen.  Mitch McConnell, the same one who wanted the American auto plants to go out of business, says his main goal is to target the president? So much for working together.

One day after the election, it's back to business as usual for the Republicans: war against the American workers. Divided we fall, and that is what the Republican Party wants more than anything else.

America is just coming back from what the Republicans have done to us, and now they want to go back to the same old thing. The auto plants are going back to work, the steel mills are working again, houses are starting to sell again, my friends and family are working again, and he wants to start the American-against-American war all over again.

Rick Whitson

It's always good to hear from another Michigander who's 'plugged in', who's smart enough to understand who supports what's best for us and the country.

A lot of fools in this area are tied directly to auto manufacturing - fools who went unemployed for a year and half before Obama's bailout got them jobs again - but yet they continue to stupidly vote for men like Mitch McConnell who couldn't fucking care less.

Thanks Rick. Nicely said.