Hold a “Quitters and Liars Revival” in Anchorage

Green Sky and Blue Grass
Alaska, American's biggest welfare recipient
'Governs least'? What the Twitter Quitter doesn't tell you is that those, brawny, patriot, self-reliant, independent Alaskans who are all for less government, are the biggest blood-sucking welfare recipients in the entire country. Alaska is a 'red' state, and like 21 out the 22 red states they suck at the trough and live off the Democratic, or 'blue' states."I thank you from the bottom of my heart for not just welcoming me in my hometown but for being who you are, true patriots holding on to time-tested truths. Knowing some basic principles that again the rest of America I think can learn from so many Alaskans who believe this -- those time-tested truths that are based on the government that governs least governs best," Palin said.
It's just like everything else related to these phony-patriot teabaggers; the sky is actually green and they're smaller government 'patriots' who want the Democratic states to continue to pay for their sorry, ignorant asses.