Saturday, September 25, 2010

Damn, it was a really good news day!

UCLA crushes No. 7 Texas, 34-12

Do you know why Oklahoma floats? Because Texas sucks!

Yeah, rednecks miss those good 'ol days

“I made my money the old-fashioned way. I Inherited it.  My grandmother. It is what she created and what she did at the turn of the century, it still resonates today, if we would have the opportunity in this country to bring back capitalism in the way my grandmother had those fruits and really enjoyed it. … Capitalism the way it should be." -   John Raese, millionaire 'businessman' and GOP nominee for West Virginia Senate seat

It's not all bad news

Yankees fall short, Rays take first

And oh yeah, Dow up 198 pts. yesterday...make that 8.4% since June 30.