Thursday, September 16, 2010

How you doing? I'm doing great!

The Dow closed today at 10,595. The day Bill Clinton walked out of office the Dow was 10,582. The day George W. Bush crawled out of office, it was at 7,949. What else did you expect? You can verify those facts here. And oh yeah by the way, the day Bill Clinton took office, the Dow was 3,256. What that really illustrates is how the devastating Bush years were the lost decade.

But now, at least for me, and I'm sure for many, many others, things are looking pretty good. I just checked and my 'portfolio' is up 7.1% since June 30, and 19.7% since July 1, 2009. I've made a shitload of money under Barack Obama. A 'shitload' isn't a relative term -- it might not be that much money to you, but to me, it's a shitload. But 19.7% over 14 months is definitely relative.

Which leads me to another subject; tax cuts under Obama. Today I caught a bit of the Pedophile Pigboy. Thom Hartmann had a substitute so I thought I'd catch a bit of Pigboy and as usual he was lying within the first 30 seconds of the time I was listening. He was telling his dittohead sheep that Obama hasn't cut anyone's taxes. That's a lie obviously since it's a well documented fact that 98% of us got a tax cut in 2009. In fact, I got the biggest tax cut in my life in 2009. Tax cuts that didn't have anything to do with anyone but Barack Obama.

Last year I bought a new furnace and got a $1,500 tax credit. I bought a new hot-water heater and got another $150 tax credit. But the real dividend that I received from President Obama's stimulus plan was I got a $5,000 credit for the college tuition that I paid for my two youngest children! So for the first time in many years - thanks to Barack Obama - I didn't write a check to the government on April 15, I got a $5,200 refund. Without Obama's stimulus plan, I would have had to write a check again for $1,450. That's $6,650 and probably equal to 5-6 years of what Bush gave me with his 'tax cuts'.

Now, I hope I don't jinx the stock market. I usually try to avoid writing about it because I have before and it always seems to go down when I do. And when I was looking for that historical data I saw an article that said the market was going to crash on September 30 but somebody has to stand up and prove that the Pigboy is the pathological liar that he is.

But hey, I'm doing great! Buy yourself a furnace - pay for your kids college - you cheap bastards! But most importantly, don't vote for Republicans...