Republicans block tax cutsIt's shameful how they root against their own country. They want this country to fail so badly that they will even oppose their favorite panacea; tax cuts. The wingnut opposition and disdain for our country is despicable.
President Barack Obama went on the attack Saturday, accusing Republicans in the US Congress of attempting "to filibuster" US recovery and "obstruct" progress. ...He said that in order to facilitate credit for small businesses, his administration had proposed eliminating capital gains taxes on their investments and establishing a fund for small lenders to help small businesses. "But again and again, a partisan minority in the Senate said "no," and used procedural tactics to block a simple, up-or-down vote," the president complained.
Away for the weekend again?
Obamas head to Maine for the weekend

That's hilarious coming from George W. Bush's "deputy assistant for appointments and scheduling". Bush was the king of vacations. He even crushed Ronald Reagan's previous record. If you include the 487 days Bush spent at Camp David with the 77 trips to, and 490 days spent at his Crawford ranch, he was on 'vacation' over 33% of the total 2,920 days in office. By contrast, Obama spent 26 days on vacation in his first year in office. Bush spent 69 days just in Crawford in his first year. Mr. Blakeman, when your lazy, useless boss spent one of every three days on vacation, you should shut the fuck up!
Nah, Teabaggers aren't racists

They whined and moaned and acted like the sane are crazy - or deaf, dumb and blind - when the NAACP pointed it out... They comically claim, 'there are no racists at the teabagger rallies'. Well, Ol' Billy Bob Roper just shot that down.
Teabaggers are racists and anyone who says differently, are either liars or useful idiots! Their write-in candidate for governor of Arkansas proves that without any doubt.