Hurt our country? What, the 'charges' of Bush lying 'hurt our country'? No, Bush lying hurt our country. His lies not only hurt, but they killed 4,412 young Americans. The 'hurt'? Actually, that would be the 31,882 wounded and the loved ones of those who died needlessly because of those lies. Not to mention the $2 trillion wasted.
"Saddam would not let the inspectors in."
George Bush told that lie on more than one occasion. If that was true, then why did we have to tell the 'inspectors' to leave Iraq two days before we invaded? The proof of that lie is indisputable.
"Saddam is a man that we know has had connections with Al Qaeda."
Once again, a blatant lie and one the 9/11 Commission confirmed. That was a lie and Bush knew it. It sure worked with herding the sheep though.
Iraq has "trained al-Qaeda members in bomb-making".
All the intelligence agencies told Bush that wasn't true but he said it anyway.
“The British Government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa.”
Bush said that in his infamous 2003 State of the Union speech and knew that too was a lie. He knew the documents were forgeries.
But one of my favorite Bush lies though - and there were many - was when he said that by using enhanced interrogation techniques - read; water-boarding - on Khalid Sheikh Mohammed prevented the attack on the Library Tower in Los Angeles. That was impossible since the alleged attack according to Bush was in 2002 and KSM wasn't captured until March 2003.
That's a whole lot of stink, Turdblossom. It won't work.