And the crybabies whine, 'stop blaming Bush'. Sure, he and Dickhead had nothing to do with allowing BP and others to regulate themselves.
That sure explains a lot!

And the America-haters want to put these guys in charge again? It never fails, Republicans run on a message that government doesn't work and we put them in charge and every single time in our history that they've been put in charge they've run the country into the ditch. From Reagan tripling our debt to Bush more than doubling it and leaving us with trillion dollar deficits they always succeed in proving they shouldn't be allowed to govern. And now we have the Minority Whip betting the haters and the teabagging sheep will put them in charge again so he can a make little money on doing what they do best; fucking up our country!
That little asshole fits in perfectly!

The pathetic Teabagger Marco Rubio whined during his campaign that the federal government should 'stop spending money we don’t have' and now he's foreclosing on a home he can't afford. That's so typical of these hypocritical wingnut losers.
No Dickhead, we read you loud and clear

We love it when Republicans say what they really mean. Intelligent Americans know there's no 'misconstruction' when Republicans show their true hatred for working Americans. After all, that's why there are Republicans.
Did the Fox Sluts and Punks tell you that?

Poll: 45% support health reform, 42% oppose.