Thursday, June 17, 2010

It cannot get any clearer

If you can't figure out by now that Republicans and other lower forms of life are American haters when they come out and defend British Petroleum over the American people who have been victimized in the Gulf, then you're a brain-dead America-hater yourself.

These people, the Joe Bartons, Michele Bachmanns, the Tom Prices and the Limpdick Pedophile and others like them are the modern day Tories. They side with the enemy just like the early Republicans did in the 1770's.

When this is all said and done, BP will have caused a trillion dollars in damages to our Gulf and the paltry $20 billion Barack Obama secured yesterday is a mere down payment of what they should pay and will pay. So all you American haters had better get used to it.

And please Republicans, please keep whining and rooting against the American people. Keep siding with the enemy just like you did at our country's very beginning. It shows your true side of your hatred for our country. We'll see how that works out for you this November.