'Rand Paul tries to duck Meet the Press'
Paul would be only the third guest to cancel an appearance in the 62-year history of the show. The other two were Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan in 1996 and Saudi Prince Bandar in 2003.Let's see, Palin gets her ass kicked by Katie Couric and now this new teabagging wimp is scared of David Gregory? Is this all they got?
Why stop there?

You know Ayn, I mean Rand, why stop at the 1964 Civil Rights Act?
With the high cost of labor in the U.S. these days, why not repeal the 13th Amendment?
Nice pick, teabaggers.
The Twitter Quitter and Didier
Two of the Country's Biggest Welfare Recipients
Of course we all know that Sarah 'Twitter Quitter' Palin was the country's biggest recipient of pork when she was governor of Alaska so it's fitting that she'd endorse another lying hypocrite who sucks at that trough of taxpayers while criticizing the size of government.Sarah Palin on Thursday endorsed Tea Party-backed Washington state Senate candidate Clint Didier.
Didier, a former Washington Redskins player, hopes to win Washington's Republican primary and challenge Democratic Sen. Patty Murray for her seat in November's general election.
The Seattle Times' Jim Brunner profiled Didier this week and reported that he has accepted federal farming subsidies totalling $273,000 while simultaneously denouncing the government.
They're Republicans - what else do you expect from lying, big-spending, America-hating hypocrites?