Thursday, March 11, 2010

Their Phony Earmark Ire
March 11 (Bloomberg) -- House Republicans announced they will not request any so-called earmarks in an election-year attempt to outdo Democrats in clamping down on the practice of adding money for pet projects to legislation.

...Yesterday, House Democrats said they wouldn’t fund earmarks for defense contractors, energy firms and other companies. Critics say earmarks for companies amount to no-bid contracts for groups that contribute to lawmakers’ re-election campaigns.
What a joke. House Republicans led by none other than John Boehner were porking out close to 16,000 earmarks at over $70 billion a year just three short years ago. It has been House Democrats who have cut earmarks drastically in the last two Congresses.

These lying, phony conservatives and their pathetically misinformed and ignorant teabagging audience are very good at making up their own facts and now suddenly feigning indignation at something they had no problem with not so long ago.