If only...
Can you imagine how much better off this country would be right now if Jim Bunning - or any Republican senator for that matter - would have stood up and demanded George W. Bush pay for his
$2.5 trillion in tax cuts or his trillion dollar fiasco in Iraq? It would have been nice if Bunning would have objected to Bush and Republican's
trillion dollar give away to pharmaceutical companies too. But of course he couldn't object; he was too busy cheerleading as Bush and the Republican dominated Congress pissed away Clinton's huge budget surpluses, doubled the nation's debt and left us with trillion dollar deficits.
And now that goofy redneck asshole is pretending to be concerned about $10 billion for the unemployed? Jim Bunning is exactly like the pathetic and hypocritical teabaggers. They said nothing and acted like sheep when the crimes were being committed but now feign outrage as if they knew nothing. ...Fucking phony bastards.