Sunday, January 10, 2010

Wingnut Ignorance Abounds

'Obama's Green Jobs Program: $135,294 Per Job'
The White House announced Friday the awarding of $2.3 billion in tax credits — the money comes from last year’s stimulus bill — to companies to create “green jobs.”

... Obama says the grants will create 17,000 cleantech jobs. Well, get out your calculator. $2.3 billion for 17,000 jobs equals $135,294 per job. (And that’s not including the eventual interest on this deficit spending). Those green jobs had better pay well over six figures to justify that expense.
There is nothing better than a tax 'credit'. A credit is generally a dollar for dollar reduction in your tax liability and not a pettily reduction to your tax bracket.

Wingnuts like tax cuts even if they only benefit someone in a bracket way above their own. That and they can't be from a Democrat obviously.

The $2.3 billion is a reduction in tax revenue, not additional 'deficit spending'. It's like the 'stimulus'; the $787 billion isn't all 'spending' - $281 billion are tax cuts.

The unfortunate thing is 90% of the country is too stupid and misinformed to realize that.