Tuesday, February 02, 2010

How did we get to a $3.8 trillion budget?

When only spending doubles

When George W. Bush inherited Bill Clinton's last budget in 2001 total expenditures were $1.863 trillion and revenue was $1.991, leaving a $128 billion surplus.

When Barack Obama inherited George W. Bush's last budget total expenditures were $3.518 trillion and revenue was $2.105 trillion, a $1.413 trillion deficit.

In eight years under George W. Bush, expenditures nearly doubled, rising 89% from $1.863 to $3.518 trillion, but revenue only increased a paltry, 5.7%, from $1.991 to $2.105 trillion. Divide that 5.7% by eight years and you should begin to understand how Bush left us with such a huge fiscal disaster. When you increase annual spending by almost $1.7 trillion and revenue by only $100 billion like Bush did, we get stuck with trillion dollar deficits.

Totals in Billions
----- 2009 -- 2010 -- 2011
Receipts - 2,105 -- 2,165 -- 2,567
Outlays -- 3,518 -- 3,721 -- 3,834
Deficit --- 1,413 -- 1,556 -- 1,267

Now let's look at the projected spending increases under Barack Obama in his first two budgets. In his first budget he increases expenditures by 5.8% and in his second, he only increases spending by a mere 3%, from $3.721 to $3.834 trillion. If you take the entire increases in spending by Obama in his first two years it works out to less than a 9% increase, or about 4.5% in each of those two years. That's less than half of what George Bush nearly averaged each year over his miserable two terms.

When the pathetic teabaggers and other wingnut morons whine and pout about the destruction of our country and how we are bankrupting our grandchildren they need to be asked a simple question; where in the hell were all of you phony-ass hypocrites when all this destruction was actually taking place?