Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Now that's hilarious!

The Gipper couldn't pass his own 'Purity Test'
The resurgent GOP wants a Gipper purity test. Does the party faithful know he raised taxes, grew the federal government, and granted amnesty to illegal immigrants? Republicans love hallowing Ronald Reagan’s name. Too bad they know so little about the guy.
Poor wingnuts, they're just so ignorant. They thought about creating a 10 point litmus test for their candidates and they wanted to name it after Ronald Reagan. One huge problem; Reagan could not have even come close to passing his own 'test'. Ronald Reagan and 'smaller government' and 'smaller deficits and debt"? The federal government grew tremendously under Reagan and he tripled both the deficit and the debt. And candidates must "oppose amnesty for illegal immigrants"? He signed the largest amnesty program in our country's history!

Reagan flunked his own test. In fact, he scored a 0.