Yeah, now what hypocrites?

There's nothing better than getting wingnuts to talk in circles. Ronald Reagan, the original, 'cut and runner' - Beirut 1983. -- Now that's a real 'photo-op', where the Gipper told the press beforehand, hey watch this! Firedoglake
'I do not recall'

Dick Cheney, the country's biggest Chickenhawk and highest ranking traitor ever, committed perjury and was the mastermind behind the outing of a covert CIA agent who was working on Iran's nuclear program. Cheney should be in prison for the rest of his miserable life and not giving speeches to the America-haters. Period.
Digging Out of the Bush Hole

History shows that it's always tough cleaning up the mess following any Republican administration but Bush Jr. topped them all!
Even our children get it

Zogby Poll asks;
"Federal Communications Commission Chief Diversity Czar Mark Lloyd wants the FCC to force good white people in positions of power in the broadcast industry to step down to make room for more African-Americans and gays to fill those positions. Do you agree or disagree that this presents a threat to free speech?"
What about the 'bad' ones? WTF was Zogby thinking?
Taking out the garbage

Speaking of garbage...

Bush's Secretary of Defense
GATES: Well, I will tell you, I think that the strategy that the president put forward in late March is the first real strategy we have had for Afghanistan since the early 1980s. And that strategy was more about the Soviet Union than it was about Afghanistan.
KING: You served in the Bush administration. That’s a pretty broad damnation of the Bush strategy.
GATES: Well, the reality is, we were fighting a holding action....
Secretary Gates set the record straight. The Bush apologizing hypocrites have absolutely no standing on Afghanistan. If you said nothing then, shut the fuck up now!
Bill Clinton-The Good Times