The Drudge Report posted a headline that falsely claimed that President Obama was "Caught By Surprise" by Iran's acknowledgement that it is building a second nuclear facility. In fact, the Washington Post article to which Drudge linked quoted a senior White House official stating, "We've been aware of this facility for several years, building up a case so that we had very strong evidence."I often try to catch a little Pigboy hate-radio when I know he's going to be having a bigger meltdown than his normal everyday absurdity. I heard him today repeat Drudge on this bogus story on Obama 'being surprised'. Limbaugh just sits on his fatass reading Drudge a lot.
What is that, the blind leading the deaf? Pigboy was ranting on and on about Obama 'pretending' he wasn't surprised by Iran's announcement. Obama was briefed about that reactor before his inauguration. You would think those two deviants would at least read the article.
And ditto-heads like Chickenshit can't figure out why they're so weak and inept. It's their 'show prep'.
Pigboy makes a fool of himself again

That's funny; the guy on this audio tape sure does an awfully good impression of Bush then.
Bush had a whole lot to do with it and you just heard the undeniable proof.
If Pigboy's lips are moving, he's lying.
*The WSJ had a piece on Saturday that confirms Obama was briefed before taking office. "Mr. Obama first learned about the Qom site in an intelligence briefing during the transition after his election."