Monday, September 07, 2009

What a Decade of Bush and Repugs Rule Gave Us

In the 1940s, we created 10 million jobs. In the 1990s, we added 19 million new jobs. Even during the much-maligned 1970s, we added almost 16 million jobs.

Over the past decade, the U.S. private-sector has lost 203,000 jobs.
Bush not only destroyed us with his massive budget deficits that more than doubled the nation's debt, his and congressional Republicans' $1.2 trillion give away to the pharmaceutical companies and his $2 trillion bogus war in Iraq but he totally killed job creation in the U.S. Nice job wingnuts!

If you need a job and you vote for a Republican you're a fucking sadistic and self-hating dumbass! Actually, you're a dumbass even if you have a job and you vote for one.