One-Hundred Fold

Hat tip, Huffington Post
That's my boy working in Afghanistan

KABUL, Afghanistan - The U.S. Embassy in Kabul said Friday it had fired eight guards following allegations of lewd conduct and sexual misconduct in their living quarters. Two other guards had resigned, the embassy said in a statement. All of them appeared in photographs that surfaced this week depicting guards and supervisors in various stages of nudity at parties flowing with alcohol. The 10 men left the country on Friday, the statement said.
The guards at U.S. embassies used to be U.S. Marines until George W. Bush and Dick Cheney starting hiring their former corporate/political contributing friends as 'private' contractors. Why pay a Marine $30K when you can pay your buddy's company $200K for each mercenary thug he can get to go over there? It's not your money. But it sure makes you proud doesn't it? I'd bet a hundie that at least 7 or maybe even 8 out of those 10 disgusting punks call themselves good Christian soldiers who undoubtedly voted for John McCain and also for Bush both times. Give me 2 to 1 and I'd go with all 10 of them being fine young 'conservatives' (sic). I'm sure their families are all proud to have them back. Boy, the rest of us sure are ...
You already know the answer to that
'Who's to Blame for the Deficit Numbers?'

We will have a $1.6 trillion deficit when FY09 ends September 30. Barack Obama is responsible for 16% of it and Bushonomics the remaining $1.344 TRILLION. But you already knew that.
The lights are on but nobody's home

How did economists get it so ...

Self-hating Daddy's little girl

The self-hating, sadistic Cheney family - second only to the Bush's as America's worst family.
Do you realize how stupid that is?

'Supporting communism and fascism' is like calling someone a skinny fatass or saying that the rightwing in this country are fiscally conservative. That's as oxymoronic as you can get. It's amazing how much Fox pays, and sheep salivate over that deranged little asshole, Glenn Beck. There's a 9 min. video of Beck at that link. Goddamn, I actually never realized that he is that fucking crazy. I'm putting in writing now my prediction that Beck, like Limbaugh did, has a mental breakdown or major stay in 'rehab' within two years.
Too many Czars?
- Cyber Security Czar
- Regulatory Czar
- AIDS Czar
- Bird Flu Czar
- Intelligence Czar
- Health IT Czar
- Katrina Czar
- Manufacturing Czar
- Drug Czar
- Domestic Policy Czar
- War Czar
- Copywright Czar
- Abstinence Czar
- Mine Safety Czar
- Latin American Czar
- WTO Health Czar
- Corruption Czar
- Privacy Czar
- Health Czar
Come on assholes, show a little consistency. I know it's difficult to do with your record of hypocrisy and your lack of integrity. Show us your previous posts where you complained about George Bush's czars and maybe we'll give you a little credit. But we don't have to worry about that, do we?
Billionaires for WealthCare
“If God loved the poor people, he wouldn’t let them get sick.”
Just put us out of our misery
Job market unlikely to recover until 2014
2014: The year Moody's predicts the unemployment rate will finally dip toward 5 percent, considered to be the "normal" level.

Today a long time ago
The first Labor Day in the United States was celebrated on September 5, 1882 in New York City. In the aftermath of the deaths of a number of workers at the hands of the US military and US Marshals during the 1894 Pullman Strike, President Grover Cleveland put reconciliation with Labor as a top political priority. Fearing further conflict, legislation making Labor Day a national holiday was rushed through Congress unanimously and signed into law a mere six days after the end of the strike.