"The Case for Leaving Iraq — Now"
... "And if so, why should American soldiers hang around until 2011 in a [Iraq] war costing America in the region of $12 billion a month, and whose U.S. casualty count is nearing 4,500 dead and 30,000 wounded?"
How do you like that monthly tab left to us by George W. Bush and the fools who didn't know better? And now they feign frugality when Obama spends in total what they've been wasting every goddamn week for the last 6 1/2 years! And -- Obama's moving 750,000 cars! With fools like that running things for eight years it's no wonder why we're so fucking broke.
It's right there in the Constitution
Article II Section 1
"No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President;
I'll be damned. Zachary Taylor was our last legitimate President. He was our 12th President. Our 10th and 11th Presidents, John Tyler and James Polk were not eligible. They, and every single President after Taylor, were born after 'the adoption of the Constitution', which took place on June 21, 1788. Maybe we should start over.
Nailed that Son-of-a-Bitch!
U.S. Drone Kills Chief of Taliban in Pakistan

Beats the hell out of patrolling the streets of Baghdad. And by the way, for you whiny-asses who are wailing about the Obama administration getting rid of Bush's worthless phrase, 'global war on terror', shut the fuck up! You didn't do shit about the real war on terror, and you stupidly followed Bush into Iraq like little lambs so sit down and watch your new President do exactly what he said he was going to do in Pakistan two years ago!

Harry and Louise Got it Dead Wrong

Dear Congress,
Americans want health care costs brought under control, unfair treatment of people with pre-existing health conditions to end, everyone to have access to high-quality, affordable health care. And we want it now. We – and the millions of Americans who want coverage they can afford, coverage they can get and they can keep – urge you to move quickly and to enact meaningful health care reform.
Harry and Louise
To be perfectly honest, Harry & Louise can go to hell. They were very instrumental in fucking things up back in 1994. It is unimaginable how much better our health system would now be, not to mention the billions we would have saved, if we had reformed the way we pay for our health care 15 years ago. Maybe we could have even cracked the top 35 by now.
Certifiably Insane ....

Could she get any more goddamn maniacal? 'Death panel'? Like Barack Obama doesn't care about handicapped children. Is she really that fucking stupid or does she think we are that stupid to believe the shit that comes out of her moronic mouth?
Today 35 Years Ago

One thing I will never forget about Ol' Tricky Dick is he sure in hell saved my ass once! R.I.P, my man.
We're talking thousands of years, here

Come on .. They've only lived there 50 years? Don't those scumbags know God gave them that land 4,000 years ago?
What a coincidence
(CNN) -- A company that sold firearms merchandise to the Virginia Tech and Northern Illinois University shooters also sold firearm accessories to a man who fatally shot three women in a Pennsylvania gym earlier this week. TGSCOM Inc. sold George Sodini a Glock magazine and a Glock magazine loader, company president Eric Thompson told CNN. - It's in the Constitution, man ...
We had better learn from our mistakes
US looks to Vietnam for Afghan tips
Top U.S. officials have reached out to a leading Vietnam war scholar to discuss the similarities of that conflict 40 years ago with American involvement in Afghanistan, where the U.S. is seeking ways to isolate an elusive guerrilla force and win over a skeptical local population. The overture to Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Stanley Karnow, who opposes the Afghan war, comes as the U.S. is evaluating its strategy there.
Similarities ... LBJ walked away from a second term ... Get the job done and then get the fuck out!
Huh ... And I thought it was those

FatCat Democrats! This month, for example, 11 separate congressional delegations will swing through Germany. House Minority Leader John Boehner of Ohio is leading five other lawmakers on a trip around the world. Sen. Richard Shelby (R., Ala.) is taking a group of senators and their spouses to Europe for three weeks.
It's nice to see they can take their old ladies along, too.
This is Amurica, damn it!
done that's, "Tip of the Week"
If at a townhall meeting you act stupid and scream and yell into someone's ear after they've told you several times not to, don't be surprised if that person punches you in the face.

Dumbest Quote of the Week
"I don't want the government messing with my Medicare!"
It's like Hypocrite ragging on 'freeloaders'.